Friday 1 August 2008

How To Eliminate Athletes Foot and Toenail Fungus

Do your feet itch and burn?
Is the skin between your toes becoming red and scaly?
Are you shy of taking your shoes off in public, or wearing sandals?

You’ve probably got Athlete’s Foot!

Athlete’s Foot (or Jock Itch, as it’s sometimes known), is a fungal infection which affects the skin on the feet. As the name suggests, regular exercisers and athletes often suffer from it.

The fungus thrives in warm damp conditions – just like those found in a training shoe or sneaker. Athlete’s Foot loves communal shower areas and locker rooms, and spreads easily. It causes an uncomfortable burning sensation and a dreadful itch that makes you want to tear at it. Which makes the problem worse and can spread it – even via your hands to other parts of the body.

So, assuming you don’t want to look like an extra from Aliens, what can you do about it?

As always, the best cure is prevention. Clean cotton socks and good foot hygiene are paramount. Wash your feet with warm water and mild soap 2 or 3 times a day and dry thoroughly, especially between the toes. Wash towels on a 60 degree machine cycle to kill bacteria, and never be a Good Samaritan and lend your towel to someone else in the locker room. Don’t walk barefoot in locker rooms – use flip-flops.

Lastly, alternate your footwear so that you don’t wear the same pair two days running – which gives them time to dry out – and spray them with one of the antifungicidal sprays available.

These precautions may seem like a pain in the neck, but believe me, it’s better than itchy feet!

If you do get Athlete’s Foot, don’t panic – treat as soon as possible with a cream or spray preparation. Often a pharmacist is a good person to ask for advice, and cheaper than a visit to the doctor. However, if the infection refuses to clear up, go see the doctor – you may need antibiotics or hydrocortisone cream.

You could also try how to be free of the embarrassment, itching and pain of Athlete’s Foot within 7 days.

And no, getting Athlete’s Foot isn’t an excuse to stop exercising!

All the best,

Carol J Pearson